Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression in St Louis Park and Minneapolis

Spinal decompression is a procedure aimed at relieving pressure on the spinal cord or on one or more compressed nerve roots passing through or exiting the spinal column. This pressure can be caused by various conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or other spinal injuries.

The procedure involves gently stretching the spine using our specialized KDT decompression table, which helps to create space between the vertebrae. By creating this space, the pressure on the spinal discs and nerves is reduced, which can alleviate symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the back or limbs.

The frequency and time of treatment depends on the specific condition and severity of symptoms, and it's determined by our doctors after a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. A typical session lasts 10-20 minutes.

Don’t let back pain keep you from living your best life!