
Enhance your massage experience at CHC by incorporating the ancient technique of cupping therapy. This unique therapy offers a multitude of benefits that go beyond traditional massage techniques.

Cupping therapy utilizes suction cups placed on the skin, creating a gentle pulling sensation. This action helps to increase blood flow to the treated area, promoting faster healing and reducing muscle tension. By improving circulation, cupping therapy can alleviate pain and discomfort, making it especially beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic pain or injuries.

The suction created by the cups also helps to release fascial restrictions and knots in the muscles, aiding in the reduction of muscle tightness and improving overall flexibility. It can effectively target deep tissue, reaching areas that may be challenging to address through massage alone.

Cupping therapy is renowned for its ability to promote detoxification. The suction created by the cups can stimulate the lymphatic system, facilitating the removal of toxins and metabolic waste from the body. This detoxifying effect can leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Beyond its physical benefits, cupping therapy can also have a profound impact on mental and emotional well-being. The therapy promotes deep relaxation and reduces stress levels, allowing you to experience a profound sense of calm and tranquility during and after your treatment.


Elevate your massage experience at CHC with the soothing power of aromatherapy. By incorporating carefully selected essential oils, we enhance the therapeutic effects of your massage session. Aromatherapy has a range of benefits, including relaxation, stress reduction, mood enhancement, and improved overall well-being. The aromatic scents promote a sense of calm and tranquility, allowing you to deeply unwind and release tension. As the essential oils are absorbed through the skin and inhaled, they can have a positive impact on your physical and mental state, easing muscular discomfort, promoting better sleep, and relieving anxiety.

Clarify: Clear negativity and support your body's ability to defend and heal: Rosemary, Sage, Eucalyptus, Peppermint
Soothe: De-stress, relax, and unwind: Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender
Uplift: Elevate your mood and get energized: Sweet orange, Lime, Jasmine, Peppermint

Reduce inflammation and tension, activate the parasympathetic nervous system

CBD Therapy

Discover the transformative benefits of Gua-sha therapy during your next treatment. This traditional Chinese therapy involves using smooth stone implements, gently scraping the skin to promote circulation, relieve muscle tension, reduce inflammation, break up stubborn scar tissue, and alleviate pain. Gua-sha also aids in detoxification, improves immune function, and enhances skin health by promoting collagen production. Experience the calming and grounding effect on the nervous system, leading to deep relaxation and stress reduction. Rejuvenate your body, restore balance, and promote overall wellness with Gua-sha therapy.

Gua - sha

Dry Brushing

This revitalizing practice involves gently brushing the skin with a natural bristle brush before your massage session. By adding dry brushing to your treatment, you can enjoy numerous benefits such as increased circulation, improved lymphatic drainage, exfoliation of dead skin cells, and enhanced detoxification. This simple yet effective method stimulates the body's natural healing processes, promotes relaxation, and leaves your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Experience the added therapeutic advantage of dry brushing during your next massage session and discover a new level of wellness