Top-Rated Prenatal Chiropractor Serving St. Louis Park and Minneapolis

Did you know that seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy comes with a ton of benefits for mom and baby?

Besides relieving the aches and pains of pregnancy, recent research has shown that prenatal chiropractic can reduce labor time by up to 40% and result in an easier delivery.

Dr. Erik carries a certification in the gold-standard Webster Technique and has helped dozens of expecting moms improve their pregnancies and deliveries.

The best part? Our pregnancy adjustments are extremely gentle and safe. If you’d like to learn more, book your first appointment today!

Dr. Erik is certified in the Webster technique which is a technique often utilized to restore optimal pelvic function during pregnancy.

Dr. Erik is certified in the Webster technique which is a technique often utilized to restore optimal pelvic function during pregnancy.



Proper alignment of the pelvis is essential for the normal position of the baby and an easier delivery. Any misalignment of the pelvis can create torsion in the uterus, leading to in-utero constraint, which prevents the baby from moving freely. If the baby can’t get into the ideal position, labor is more difficult and less likely to result in a natural delivery. The Webster technique is a specialized chiropractic technique used to prevent in-utero constraint and assist the baby in finding the ideal position for birth

Prenatal Chiropractic FAQs

+ How does chiropractic help expecting moms feel more comfortable during pregnancy?

By adjusting your spine, your chiropractor can help relieve nerve pressure and muscle strain. As a result, you can have less muscle pain and referred pain to the extremities. Pregnancy chiropractic care also helps to alleviate back pain, neck pain and extremity pain without painkillers (which could be dangerous to your growing baby).

+ What are some other benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy?

While chiropractic effectively addresses prenatal aches and pains, it also allows your body to communicate with itself more effectively through the improvement of nerve function. These improvements can optimize your (and your baby’s) overall health, helping to manage swelling, morning sickness, hormonal swings, and other prenatal side effects as well. You may even enjoy an easier, quicker labor period.

+ What is the Webster Technique?

This adjusting method focuses on pelvic alignment issues, particularly around the SI (sacroiliac joint), that might otherwise prevent the fetus from turning in the womb for a normal head-down delivery. This technique can also help decrease the need for a C-section.

+ Is pregnancy chiropractic care safe?

Yes; it’s very safe! Our chiropractors use safe and gentle techniques assuring your comfort during every adjustment. We also feature special tables that allow you to rest comfortably through your session, even as your belly grows larger.

+ At what point in my pregnancy should I begin chiropractic care?

We have mama's to be begin care at many different points of their pregnancy; Some as early as the first trimester, and some come to us later on when they begin to feel more uncomfortable. There is no right or wrong time, though most women chose to start in their first or second trimester to ensure their body is adjusting well to all the physical changes of pregnancy as well as to help make optimal room for baby to grow and develop early on.

If you’d like to enjoy a happier, healthier pregnancy, contact Clear Health Chiropractic today to book an appointment!


We’d love to partner with you to cultivate a clear path to the pregnancy, delivery and postpartum you desire.