Your First Visit At Clear Health

We see a variety of people with a variety of health conditions. The great news is that with our thorough chiropractic assessment we get to the root cause of your health concerns, helping you and your family find a clear path to health and wellness.

We hope you feel comfortable and confident on your first visit. We encourage you to take a look at the steps you will take as a new patient below.

STEP 1: Health Intake Forms

All new members at Clear Health Chiropractic are required to fill out a brief health intake form which generally takes about 10 minutes to complete. Our system allows you to submit this electronically before you show up on your first day so we can get right to work!

When finished, you will be given a quick tour of our office where you can ask questions, meet the team, learn more about the care we provide and get acquainted with our space.

STEP 2: Consultation

A thorough one-on-one consultation will be conducted between yourself and a team member in order to determine exactly what health issues you are experiencing and to identity your specific health goals.  We want to know exactly what past and current issues have brought you to your current state of health.

STEP 3: Assessment

A comprehensive chiropractic assessment will then be made using our state of the art neurological technology to evaluate the severity of stress and nerve interference in your body.  This procedure is non-invasive, very gentle and uses absolutely no poking or prodding. 

STEP 4: X-rays

While they are not always necessary, the final step of your initial visit to the office is to have digital x-rays taken. Conveniently located on site, this step is simple, safe and only takes a few minutes to complete.

STEP 5: Report of Findings and Your First Adjustment

This will be your most important appointment in our office! After the proper diagnostics are conducted and the doctor has had time to look over your results you will be invited back for our day two procedures. This includes an individualized report of findings, a custom care plan tailored to you and your very first adjustment! 

On your day two visit we prioritize patient education because we believe every person deserves to make the most informed decisions regarding their health!



Get started on a clear path to wellness